We finally made it over to San Diego as a family. We had so much fun! The weather was to die for and we all had such a good time.
The first thing the girls wanted to do is go to the beach and collect seashells. So, after checking in at our hotel we did just that. We went down to Mission Beach and ate at the #1 mexican food joint in town La Playa. We all loved it. It was a great reccomendation from Aunt Julie. Delicious!! We were able to park right at LaPlaya across from the beach which was nice because we didn't have to walk very far to get to the ocean.
The sun was shining and the clouds were out. We didn't have to even put sunscreen on, but we weren't cold either. It was the most perfect day to be on the beach. We played in the water and made sandcastles-or at least we tried. We played frisby and just relaxed. It was definitely needed!
We went down into the Gaslamp Quarters and went to the Hard Rock Cafe's and Hotels for Steve's hobby. After driving forever for parking, we willingly paid for Valet parking and enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Old Spagetti Factory.
We got a great deal on Sea World and couldn't pass it up. We got there in the morning and by 3 or so we had done it all. Shamu, fed the Dolphins, fed the Manarays, Bought the expensive food for lunch, and everything else that there was to do. My personal favorite was the Sea Lions Live Show. SLL Show. It was very entertaining and we all laughed. Great show! I'd go back just to see that.
We made it over to Coronado and did some shopping, but ended up back at Mission Beach at night. Seaport Village was a big hard to find with our GPS that took us all over the place, but we did get to it. Didn't spend our time there, but at least we saw all the boats. We also made it over to the San Diego Temple. It was under construction though. Still so beautiful.
We all had such a good time. We always spend our vacation time going back and forth to Utah, so this was a nice change. We all needed it. We needed the time together as a family. We got what we wanted.
Sorry for the random order the pictures are in. There are quite a few, but enjoy.