Happy Birthday to Halle! 8 years old! Ready to be baptized soon and she is ready. We started out the day opening some presents before school. She was excited and couldn't wait. Grandma & Grandpa Whitney gave her a build a bear giftcard and some money-which she is SO excited to spend. Grandma & Grandpa Turner gave her some clothes and headbands. Her favorite being a teal shirt-that's her favorite color. Her dad gave her some money and a music card she likes to play over and over.
I had the day off so I dropped the kids off at school and came home and decorated Halle's cake. Then I showed up at her school with cupcakes for her class. Steve suprised her at school also with balloons, flowers, and a bear. She was so excited to see him. She ran right up and gave him a hug.
After school Audrey came over to play. After Steve got off work, Halle got to open more presents. She got some jewelry from Lizzie and we got her a baking kit with some clothes. She is all about making cakes and cooking. It's great!
We went to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Farnsworth to Red Robin. Halle was excited because she got to get a shake AND a dessert. After dinner we walked across to Krispie Cream. They gave her a dozen doughnuts for free.
Saturday Halle got to go to her first achievement day activity with the Stake. It was 4 hours long. She had such a great time and brought home some cute pictures.
Audrey came over and gave Halle a really cute "Dress" jewelry box. Perfect for her jewelry that Lizzie gave her. After, Steve and I took the girls and Audrey to the Phoenix zoo. 110 degrees outside. Blazing HOT. The kids still loved it though. Aunt Julie bought Halle a zoo membership for all of us for her b-day. It's awesome! The safari train ride was fun.
We came home and Halle got to play with her cake kit. She loved it. She's getting so old. She went in Sunday for her Baptism interview with Bishop Watson. She did great. Her baptism will be on Oct 23rd up in Utah.