Steve & Katie Farnsworth
Halle & Lizzie Whitney

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's been about a year since we set up our original blog, but now that we have family and friends all over the place, we decided to actually create our blog and keep up on it.

Just a little update in our lives:
Steve is still with Sherwin Williams and is going on his 7th year there. I am at East Mesa Healthcare in the Business Office in finance. We are so blessed to have our jobs and the income that we have during these hard times.
Halle is 6 years old and just finished her Kindergarten year being Student of the Year! We are so proud of her.
Lizzie is 5 and loves all her friends at pre-school. She is looking forward to going into Kindergarten and learning to read.

We live down here in sunny Mesa, and it is HOT!! We moved to a two story home back in February and we are starting to understand why it's better to have a single story in the summertime! I like the house COOL. 72 degrees is perfect for me. Steve freezes-but our bedroom is right over the garage and I can't sleep when it's so hot-so the air goes down way low at night.

Anyhow, it's late, but Steve & I both plan on keeping our blog updated. It's such a fun new adventure learning all about the blogging world.

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