It seems as though since I moved to Arizona alot of things have changed.
My body being one of them. It started out last summer when my eyes started to get bad and I was getting really bad headaches. I just thought I needed more sleep. The headaches weren't going away as I got more sleep, my eyes seemed to be getting worse, and weight gain started to be more noticeable as well. I went to my Dr. and he told me to test my blood sugars often and keep track of them. The eye Dr. said basically he couldn't do anything for me until I figured out what was going on with the rest of me.
A year later, I find myself sitting in the Dr.'s office again listening to him tell me that my blood sugars were too high and that he wanted to start treating me for Diabetes. Something that my mom and grandma have. I was doomed to get it. Although I knew it was coming, I found myself crying hysterically after leaving the Dr. I was devastated because I had let my body get to this point. I know I can't control everything, but I could have done some things different. Anyhow, time to head to a specialist and go to a diabetic training course to learn more about it all. I have been around diabetes for a long time whether it was around mom or residents at Country Care. I never thought the day would come when I had to give myself shots.
Went to the eye Dr. and got glasses a week or so ago. My headaches worsened for about a week after I got the glasses as my eyes were adjusting, but now it's going ok.
Another change in my body was my face. My acne got really bad! It just runs in my family. It had been getting so bad and finally I decided to go in to the Dermatologist. They started me on Acutane-which is a very strong medication that you take for 6 months that pretty much changes the DNA in your body to where you won't have acne again. All of my brothers had taken it before and had success with it, so I figured I would give it a shot. Being on Acutane means 6 months of not getting pregnant-serious birth defects if I did. I started on the Acutane on June 1st. I'm not so sure it's worth it. I hope so! My face has never hurt so bad in my entire life! It literally burns. I have to put ice packs on just about every day. My whole body is SO dry that I am literally pulling skin off my body all day long. NOT the most fun of things. I can tell a difference in my face for the better, but it definitely got worse before it has gotten better. I go in every month to get blood testing done and make sure I am not pregnant. I went in yesterday and had to get poked 3 times to get enough blood for them to test-she wasn't very good at it. Well, results are back and my triglycerides and liver enzymes are elevated-not good. So off the Acutane until they figure out what's going on. Oh the things we do for beauty.
Is change really good? I think so. Not just my body has changed since I moved to AZ, but I feel like I have changed SO much. I have learned how important my family is. Oh how I miss you all. I have another new family here in Arizona that I am still trying to fit in with. I love Steve's family and I am grateful for them as they learn what the girls and I are all about.
I just miss hanging out with all my siblings. I miss the nights we would all just chill at mom and dad's out on the back lawn while all the cousins played. I look forward to next week spending time with all of you again-It just won't be the same without my Texas brothers and sister in law. We will miss you!!!!! Becky-sorry I will miss you by 2 days. We will be alotcloser soon though. I can't wait for you to move! Jesse and Heather-I hope you have a new nephew for me bfore I leave to come back to AZ!! Get pusing Heather. Our flight on July 1st can't come soon enough! Sorry such a long post. I just start to ramble not knowing it.