Steve & Katie Farnsworth
Halle & Lizzie Whitney

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

I just wanted to take a few minutes and express my love and appreciation for the fathers in my life.

First is my husband. Sweetheart-I know it's not easy taking on 2 little girls instantly and a wife that was used to doing everything on her own. I appreciate all you do for the girls and me. You are a great daddy to the girls. They love playing with you and they love spending time with you. Thank you for taking on the challenge! I know you didn't have ANY idea of what you were getting yourself into, but you are doing a pretty dang good job at it. THANK YOU! We love you.

Second-my dad. Dad-Thank you for raising me the way you and mom did. I am so grateful to have a dad like you. You taught me the love of the piano-that is such an important part of my life. I love music because of you dad. You taught me how to work hard. Even though I hated those trips to get rock in the middle of the desert-I did learn the importance of hard work. You taught me to be kind to others and to serve others. You taught me the love of mother nature. I love the outdoors. I have fond memories of all of our family vacations from The Bear Trap, to Jackson Hole, to Yellowstone, to Canada, to Paradise Pond in Orem. Those memories are the best! I look forward to making memories with my own family. Thank you for everything.

Third-although I am a little hesitant to post this, but I am grateful for the girls dad Trent. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have Halle and Lizzie. Without the girls-life would be alot different. I'm grateful I have the girls. They bring alot of happiness in our life and I wouldn't trade my past with their dad for anything because I got the best thing out of it-my precious girls.

Last-but not least-I am grateful for my Father in Heaven. I know that God lives and that he loves me for who I am. I believe that before I came down here to Earth, I walked next to my Father in Heaven with my little hand in his. I am sure we had many conversations about family because I couldn't have been sent down to a better family.

1 comment:

Daniel doings said...

Kate, I love you and your little girlies you are all the best. I am so glad that Steve found the 3 of you to love. I am glad you are a part of our family.