I have been looking for months on Craigslist for a piano. I started playing the piano when I was 4 years old and I love it! Since I moved to Arizona, I haven't played much at all. I miss it! We went and looked at a piano, but it was in terrible shape. Some people just have NO idea what a shame it is to damage a piano. So, I kept looking. I had no idea I would find the deal of a lifetime on Craigslist-but I did.
Steve headed to the gym this evening and I was cleaning up the house. I happened to look on Craigslist today and saw a piano for $100. It looked like it was in decent shape-but people put up really deceiving pictures when they want to sell something. I left a message with the lady anyway because for a hundred bucks, it was worth looking at anyway. She called me back and she gave me directions to her house to come see it. I called Steve and he left the gym early for me to go see this piano. I wanted him to come with.
We got there and when I saw the piano I was pretty excited because NONE of the keys were chipped or broken. There are 2 keys that don't work, but that's ok-they can be fixed. Well, I bought the piano right there for $100. She even threw in the piano lamp and some beginners books I can use with the girls when I start teaching them.
Steve called his cousins Leland and Trent. They came right over to this ladies house and they used their strong muscles to lift it in the truck and brought it to it's new home. It's now in the living room and I love it! I can't wait to get it tuned. I played it a little this evening and it's great.
What a bargain~!!! So I have a few people interested in taking piano lessons. I want to freshen up on my skills before I teach other students though. I will start Halle as soon as she wants-which will probley be the day she gets home from Utah. She has been wanting a piano for a while. Whenever we go to Steve's Aunt and Uncle's house, Halle loves to play the piano. She is ready for lessons. She will get on and start learning a primary song by ear. Talented girl. I hope Lizzie will fall in love with the piano too. I guess we will see.