We headed back to the cabin to relax for a bit. There was no A/C in the cabin though, so I didn't get a good nap in. Later that evening we drove about 45 min to Pinetop to say hello to Steve's cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents who were up at the Burgess cabin. It was kinda fun visiting them away from Mesa.
From the cabin we drove to the Stake Center in Show Low for a pioneer celebration. Steve's cousin and his wife were part of putting this shin dig together. We had some great food and enjoyed a wonderful program. There was singing and dancing and story telling.
It was an enjoyable trip away from the heat. I just didn't want to come back to work today. Sorry the pictures are kinda in a random order.
One of the crafts that I want to make for my home.
The program

Steve wanted to get a picture with the flag flying in the background. The skies look pretty grey, but it never rained! It was such nice weather.
Steve before the presentation
They grilled some yummy hot dogs and hamburgers with homemade rootbeer.
I had to take this picture from the parade because it reminds me of all my brothers and dad back home who are always in that cage. This guy was doing all sorts of tricks. It was pretty cool.

I had to take this picture because as we were driving up on Friday night we were just leaving Payson heading to Heber and about 7-10 fancy cars like this were heading the same direction. They got ahead of us-so I kept saying to Steve that he needed to keep up with these cars. That was actually impossible. I guess our little Altima just couldn't keep up. The next morning in the parade, all the fancy cars were lined up and in the parade.
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