C25K, is a fantastic program that's been designed to get just about anyone from the couch to running 5 kilometers or 30 minutes in just 9 weeks
Well, starting January 25th I started the C25K program. It slowly progresses from walking to jogging. Each week gets harder. You only run 3 times a week. I'm on week 3 day 2 and honestly-it's kicking me bigtime! I'm just not so much of a runner. I can't give up though.
The kids and I signed up for the YMCA back in January and the kids LOVE going. They have kids fitness classes every Monday and Wednesday that the babysitter takes the kids over to. I meet them there and bring them home.
Well, this week has been pretty rough, and yesterday I just didn't want to go at all. The babysitter was sick and couldn't take the kids. My car had broken down and I really just wanted to go home and veg on the couch and watch Grey's Anatomy re-runs.
Luckily, I have my girlies to keep me going. We ended up at the Y and I got my workout in. It's getting so hard. I feel like I am so out of shape. I'm not winded after I run, it's just my legs that hurt. I stretch before, but they still hurt. Any runners out there with suggestions??
I have lost 11 lbs, which I know is good, but it doesn't seem to be coming off the places I want it to come off :(
So...for now, I keep at it. I keep trying and I need all the encouragement that I can get. It's definitely not easy. So, if anyone has any suggestions on great healthy food, let me know!
I am impressed that you are doing this, I have a friend who ran her very first marathon in December and she is not a runner either. Keep up the good work I know you can do it!!!!!! Love Ya, Aunt Lawanna
Is it maybe your shoes making you hurt? The right pair of shoes is worth paying a good amount of money for. Work out shoes, is one of those things that you get what you pay for. And they don't last as long as you want. You might have to buy more than one pair a year. They lose their support over time.
Keep up the good work Katie! It will so pay off in the long run, I promise.
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